North Central RCHA December 2024 Show - Midwest Jackpot Specs -- Winona, MINNESOTA - 12/3/2024
Judges: Marilyn Peters, Amy Marx
Place Horse Owner Rider Herd Rein Steer
Cow Totals Points Earnings

Special Event - Non Pro
6 entries $0 Added
(Call Me Mitch X Shiney N Quick)
Brent W. RatliffBrent W. Ratliff144.0146.50.0146.0436.50$750.00
2Rey Hott
(Hottish X Reygina)
Kurt & Erin HeimErin E Heim141.5138.50.0137.0417.00$450.00
3Armed For Sure
(PG Heavily Armed X Mettilda)
Kurt & Erin HeimErin E Heim138.0133.50.0138.5410.00$300.00
4One Fancy Savannah
(One Time Pepto X Savannah Hickory)
Jodie L. ScheffelIsabelle R Scheffel132.0137.00.0131.5400.50$0.00
5Shine One Time
(One Time Pepto X Lil Shiny Long Legs)
PHD EnterprisesStephanie K Douglas136.0130.00.0125.0391.00$0.00
6Unbelevabley Shiney
(Dont Stopp Believin X Shiney Attire)
Veta Grande Ranch LLCLaney E. Fjelstad128.0141.50.00.0269.50$0.00

Special Event - Non Pro Boxing
9 entries $0 Added
1One Fancy Savannah
(One Time Pepto X Savannah Hickory)
Jodie L. ScheffelJodie Scheffel143.0141.00.0147.6431.60$450.00
2LA Smart Chicoreys
(Smart Chic Olena X Dual Reys Belle)
Luke J. JonesErin L. Jones140.5145.00.0146.0431.50$337.50
3UWRF Lil Ice
(SG Frozen Enterprize X Blazen Little Chic)
Larry KastenShannon L Kasten142.0144.50.0132.0418.50$225.00
4Dual With Blue Genes
(SDP Blue Blood X This Quixote Has Pep)
Deborah A. MatkoDeborah Matko136.0137.50.0139.0412.50$112.50
5Mixed Tape
(Travelin Jonez X Katys Cd)
Christie & Kyle LarsonChristie Larson129.0137.50.0141.0407.50$0.00
6Dualin Blu Moon
(Once In A Blu Boon X Fantastic Plastic)
Kelsey or Justin MuellerKelsey Mueller127.0139.00.0134.5400.50$0.00
7Lil Joes Angel
(Lil Joe Cash X Pistols Slidin Angel)
Beth BantBeth M. Bant120.0136.00.0130.0386.00$0.00
8Chics Gunna Slide
(Gunners Indian X Click On Chic)
Jill NashJill Nash127.00.00.0148.0275.00$0.00
9Shining Over Dun It
(Dun It Big X Annies Lena Doc)
Jill NashJill Nash127.00.00.0131.5258.50$0.00

Special Event - Open
19 entries $0 Added
1JD This Cats Lit
(WR This Cats Smart X Miss Gin Light)
James D MyersLuke J. Jones146.0144.50.0145.1435.60$1,425.00
2Sand N My Genes
(Sannman X SDP I Got Good Genes)
Scott ArmstrongLuke J. Jones145.0146.00.0144.5435.50$1,140.00
3Dualin Blu Moon
(Once In A Blu Boon X Fantastic Plastic)
Kelsey or Justin MuellerLance R. Scheffel144.5143.50.0146.5434.50$855.00
4Smooth Talkin Jay
(Smooth Talkin Style X Gabreyella)
Dave Albrecht & Kris KlingamanRyan P Gallentine144.5142.00.0145.5432.00$570.00
5BMC Wild Girl
(Bowmans Metallic Cat X WR Wild Cat)
Moncrief Quarter Horses LLCLuke J. Jones143.0145.50.0143.0431.50$427.50
6HQ Gunna Light It Up
(CD Dyna Cee X Gunna Be Lucky)
Reid A. HockensonLuke J. Jones143.5142.50.0143.5429.50$332.50
7Sann In My Genes
(Sannman X SDP I Got Good Genes)
Wayne GundersonRyan P Gallentine139.5144.00.0145.5429.00$0.00
7One Ata Time
(One Time Pepto X Hip Hip Sue Rey)
Steven MattsonRyan P Gallentine146.0144.50.0138.5429.00$0.00
7DMC Reyzorcutdiamond
(Reynshine X One Stylish Diamond)
Brooke Rene SalmonLuke J. Jones141.0143.00.0145.0429.00$0.00
(Sannman X This Cats Smilen)
Daniel TesarRyan P Gallentine143.5142.00.0142.5428.00$0.00
11Pauls Little Nic
(Shining Lil Nic X Silva Chica Tari)
Sabine B. HartmannBilly D Yoder138.0143.50.0141.0422.50$0.00
12One Time Sannman
(Sannman X One Little Reygina)
Charlie PorterLuke J. Jones144.5142.50.0134.0421.00$0.00
13Bonita Beemer
(Rollz Royce X NSR Bonita Belle)
Black Spruce Farms LLCLuke J. Jones143.5139.50.0137.5420.50$0.00
14Mixed Tape
(Travelin Jonez X Katys Cd)
Christie & Kyle LarsonLance R. Scheffel140.5135.50.0144.0420.00$0.00
15Cats Gota Wiggle
(Smooth As A Cat X Smart Guena Bell)
Kelly Mcguire TrustRyan P Gallentine143.5141.00.0131.0415.50$0.00
16Shine One Time
(One Time Pepto X Lil Shiny Long Legs)
PHD EnterprisesLance R. Scheffel137.5144.00.0132.5414.00$0.00
17UWRF Lil Ice
(SG Frozen Enterprize X Blazen Little Chic)
Larry KastenJeff J Kasten127.0144.00.0124.5395.50$0.00
18Sharp Dressed Rey
(Dual Smart Rey X Faith In Your Mate)
Emily SaffertLance R. Scheffel145.0141.50.00.0286.50$0.00
19A Boon Named Sioux
(A Shiner Named Sioux X Systematic Cat)
Lisa C. ReiterLance R. Scheffel141.00.00.0144.5285.50$0.00